Mei Lam Estate

Mei Lam Estate (Chinese: 美林邨) is a public housing estate in Tai Wai, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong[1], located along Shing Mun River Channel and near Mei Chung Court, May Shing Court and Shing Mun Tunnel.

The estate consists of 4 residential buildings, a shopping centre and a sports centre. It is divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 (Mei Fung House, Mei Yeung House, Mei Tao House and Mei Lam Shopping Centre) are located at the south side of Shing Mun River Channel, while Phase 2 (Mei Wai House)[2] and Phase 3 (Mei Lam Sports Centre)[3] are located at the north side. The two sides are connected by a footbridge. The estate comprises a total 4,100 rental flats, of sizes ranging from 10.8 m2 to 64.7 m2. The authorized population was 11,400 as at end December 2007.[4]

Mei Lam Estate Phase 1 and Mei Lam Sports Centre won the Certificate of Merit and the Silver Medal of HKIA in 1982 and 1987 respectively.[5]



Name Type [4] Completion[4]
Mei Fung House (美楓樓) Double I 1981
Mei Yeung House (美楊樓) Old Slab
Mei Tao House (美桃樓) Triple H 1982
Mei Wai House (美槐樓) Trident 1 1985

May Shing Court

May Shing Court (Chinese: 美城苑) is an estate located near Mei Lam Estate and Mei Chung Court. It has 3 residential blocks completed in 1984 and 1985 respectively.[6][7][8]


Name[6] Type Completion
Kwai Shing House Windwill 1984
Yat Shing House Trident 2 1985
Fai Shing House

Mei Chung Court

Mei Chung Court (Chinese: 美松苑) is located near Mei Lam Estate. It has 6 residential blocks completed in 1996.[7][9]


Name[9] Type Completion
Fu Chung House NCB 1996
Lai Chung House
Hing Chung House
Shing Chung House
Hong Chung House
Lok Chung House


Access to Mei Lam Estate by public transportation[3]:
